Executive Committee Meeting June 1, 2010
CHCA-Executive Committee Minutes
June 1, 2010 : 6:00pm-7:10pm
1) Budget Review
a) Surplus of $1927.52 mostly from Christmas tour profits
b) $300 donation to UMC is late this year, will be sent this month
c) no charge for website maintenance this month
d) $276.00 owed to Ala Power due to oversight of not having power boxes disconnected—suggestion that president call Ala Power and request removal or reduction of fee.
2) Increasing Membership
a) bring one person to next meeting
b) send out monthly emails from email list
c) flyer distribution
d) replace street signs (need newer signs)
e) use fall activities as way to increase membership
3) “Walking & Talking” activity
a) need to get permission to use name
b) idea is to encourage neighbors to walk and talk with each other, possible have game for neighborhood to play (scavenger hunt, etc)
4) Dog park
a) need to time light at Cap Ave & Madison / California & Madison, if too short can ask city to lengthen light to allow dog walkers to cross safely
b) suggestion to look into green space on Yancey for possible dog park
5) National Night Out Against Crime
a) scheduled for 1st Tuesday in August, 2 speaker are scheduled for block party
b) suggestion of purchasing merchandise for event, suggestion to get notebook from dollar store and put stickers on them for CHCA which can be used to take note while walking in the community
a) Neighborhood Quilt: President spent ~$30 to have CH logo put on quilt square to be added to BONDS quilt project. anyone who would like to have CH logo printed on fabric can now go to You Name It on Atl Hwy
b) Realtor Open House: must be done by end of July to use grant money allocated for this project, position letter needs to be drafted to be handed out to realtors
7) Lion repairs
a) cost estimated to be around $4000, Councilman Larkin will help with this, suggestion by member that CHCA do fundraiser to help offset cost of repair
8) Mt Meiggs Project
a) need to follow-up with city transportation dept about this project to resurface/build sidewalk
9) History Designation Survey
a) deadline needs to be set, suggest end of summer for deadline
b) president will work on getting maps to volunteers this month
10) Lee Oaks/Highland Park
a) Lee Oaks would like to jointly sponsor event with CHCA—suggestion that CHCA, Lee Oaks CA, and Highland Park co-sponsor Fall Fling
11) City Event
a) would like to increase CHCA presence in the throughout the city by being involved in city events—suggestion that CHCA be involved in various races that pass through the neighborhood— members asked to look out for events CHCA can be involved in
12) Suggestion that CHCA ask fireman to speak at future meetings regarding fire safety
13) Armstrong Park
a) would like to revisit plans for beatification of park
14) Welcome Wagon for New Residents
a) need to expand welcome committee to include more than one member of CHCA
b) Cindy Keeping volunteer to welcome new residents, and put together welcome packet to give to them
15) 501C3 status
a) Rich Anderson volunteered to contact attorneys regarding process of becoming 501C3 organization, Cindy M. provided Rich with brochure for local attorney office
16) RSVP & PRIME magazines
a) CH lions were featured in PRIME, would like to see more positive coverage of CH in these magazines